Wednesday 9 May 2007

It's not mine! Its for a uni assesment I swear!

Oh my god!
I fucking love my course.


For one of my classes the end of semester assesment is to make a movie. It can be about what ever you want, for no longer than 2 minutes. First thing I do is find a soundtrack, it's so much easer to animate when you've got something backing it. So I went through my whole music directory and found this: Vestubles - You're a Hamberger. Basically its about all the things hambugers don't do (or have). I'm oing to dress the buger up and make it do all the things in the song.

Which made me wonder. Okay so I'm going to be using one of McDonalds 'Son of Mac's' because the're small, cheap, and tasty; and there's a line in the song
'You dont have a mum, you don't have a daddy,
you're just a bun and and all beef patty.'

SO! If the burger I'm using is a 'SON of Mac' - then who (or what) is the mother? I thought maybe a chicken fillet burger, but I didn't know if anyone else would get the joke. Hm, or maybe something from their 'lite n low fat line' like a bowl of salad. and this is part of my Uni assesments! xDDD

Quote conversation I had with a girl at uni;
Her: 'So are you up to date with all your assignments?
Me: 'Essentially, Do you have any biggies?'
Her: 'Yeah, I have to do a 2000 word report on the buisness trade ethics of south east asia *groan*, how about you?'
Me: 'I'm animating a hamburger.'
*awkward silence*
Me: 'OKAY! I have to go now.' /me runs off to giggle

Yeah, its the most entertaining thing I'm doing, aside from writing a short story about a whiney teenager with special powers *shock* I'm so original!

Yey! I'd better get back to work then!

1 comment:

The Chicken said...

HAHA that rules. Reminds me of Narrative in the Creative Industries. We watched Family Guy in a tute once. It was wonderful.